Fishing and blogging in Kuhmo

Fishing and blogging in Kuhmo

  This summer Kuhmo has been good to me. I got to go fishing there few times all together. About a week ago Jani organized a fishing trip for me and Pieta. Jani is a fishing guide at Kuhmo Fly Fishing Adventures and  had booked us accommodation...

Mini-grayling Sunday

The Sunday quest for big grayling ended up as a sunny trip to a beautiful forest river. It was so quiet you could hear a leaf drop. And they did drop, so I guess it’s gettings towards the autumn.   Regarding the fishing, we were aiming for big graylings...
Salmon madness

Salmon madness

  After the last eight years heading always to the fishing groungs in the North Sweden. This year we headed to North Norway. This was quite nostalgic trip for me, since last time I was here 17 years ago. I caught a sea run arctic char on that trip. This time, how...

THE trip

Every year there is the one trip. Around the end of July and early August, the North Scandinavia is at its best. After so many years touring the North Sweden, this year we are heading to Norway. Few stops on the way on the Finnish side of the border.   Nice...