On this trip we are fishing in Sweden for trout and arctic char. Fly fishing in Sweden is almost an annual tradition with the family and often it proves to be just the perfect fishing trip.

🎥 On this video you’ll see:
- Flyfishing trout which was superb. How to catch a trout then? Trout fly fishing and best way to catch trout on these waters seemed to be towards night time. But day time was good for catching trout too, as you’ll see on the video.
- Perfect destination – Flugfiske Suorkejokk River
- Mainly we did dryfly fishing for trout. Greyish zonker fly worked also to catch trout.
- Arctic char dryfly fishing in Lappland
- Fliegenfischen Lappland und fliegenfischen Sweden
If you liked this trout fly fishing video, please share it with your fishing buddies and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Also I have a free gift for you at the end of this blog post.

Fishing Sweden for dryfly trout
And this trip didn’t fall short either. Fishing Sweden was once again perfect for dryfly trout and arctic char fishing.
We were fly fishing trout in Sweden Norrbotten County at Suorkejokka River.
Special limited waters
Suorkejokk River is in the north and is one of the most lovely areas for fishing Sweden I’ve seen.
The river is only for catch and release fly fishing with exception of one fish per day you can keep to eat. (Which needs to be between 30-40 cm, any smaller or bigger trout or arctic char should be released)

The 10k Fly Fishing Experiment continues with flyfishing trout
The video is part of my 10k Fly Fishing Experiment where I share these outdoor adventures with you, to inspire you to get outside while teach you fly fishing beginner tips.
Episode 055 of 10K Fly Fishing Experiment. Hours 894 to 1013 out of 10000. Fly-fishing Sweden, Norrbotten County in Suorkejoki. Fishing Sweden.

P.S. If you want to learn about fly fishing, download your fly fishing cheat sheet. It’s totally free.
DOWNLOAD Fly Fishing Cheat Sheet here: http://kajanaclub.com/flyfishingminiacademy
Best fishes!
Onko Suorkejokkilla jotain virallista sivua vai miten tuonne esim lupien osto toimii?
Moikka, Se kuuluu kiintiöityihin vesiin jonka luvat menee Norrbottenin läänin kautta. https://www.lansstyrelsen.se/norrbotten/djur/fiske/fiska-i-fjallen.html#0
Kiitos :). Ehkä joskus tuo voisi olla kesän reissun kohde.