It’s not about who kills the biggest fish

This week was all about planning an event called #KalaHässäkkä (that might translate into #FishingHassle, or something along those lines) We are planning a new type of fishing event with the City of Kuhmo and the local water owners. The whole thing started when I was...

Hulahula Flyfishing

  First things first. What’s so special about fly fishing? Let me share few reasons with you on this video. If you are a serious fly-angler. If you have devoted your life to forever perfect yourself in the art of fly-fishing. A word of warning. You probably...

5 random fishing memories from last season

2015 is well under way. But today I got a nice reminder from last year. December issue of a Swedish magazine with my old article in it. That’s always nice when you see an article done and published. How the layout looks. Which pictures they decided to go with. It’s...

The magic of the first catch

There is something special with the first fish of a trip or of a day or definitely first catch ever. I cannot remember my first catch ever. But every trip there is the first catch of the trip. And that is special. Quite often it is something else than what you are...

This is no Bahama!?

What does casting in the snow has to do with Bahamas? A lot, if you ask me this week. I’m practicing a bit of casting with heavier rod plus testing out the new toy (brand new WASP action camera) for a good reason. In 3 days I’ll be flying to Bahama for my...