Bonefish in the turquoise paradise

You know how sometimes when you try something new for the first time. It’s tough, nothing works, you get frustrated… the way life sometimes works? Well, this is not one of those stories. This is my first date with a bonefish. For my first ever salt water...

This is no Bahama!?

What does casting in the snow has to do with Bahamas? A lot, if you ask me this week. I’m practicing a bit of casting with heavier rod plus testing out the new toy (brand new WASP action camera) for a good reason. In 3 days I’ll be flying to Bahama for my...
The very special Den Fulaste

The very special Den Fulaste

The beauty and Den Fulaste   I happen to have one fly that I have a very special relation with. He, yes I know it’s a he, is called Den Fulaste. We met in the wilderness of Swedish Lapland. Once we were introduced there was instant chemistry there. Den Fulaste is...

Green above and below the surface

It’s interesting to look at the river bottom. Am I odd, I don’t know. But many of the places I would most often go fishing, have fairly dark waters. So when taking a trip to the Lapland, North-Sweden, or on the other-hand somewhere south from Finland....
Quick re-cap from my summer

Quick re-cap from my summer

This year has been special. Both work-vice and fishing-vice. Work-vice since I’m a new start up entrepreneur. And it has been for sure my dream for quite long time. Time will show where it will take me. But on a shorter perspective there has been some awesome results...