Green above and below the surface

It’s interesting to look at the river bottom. Am I odd, I don’t know. But many of the places I would most often go fishing, have fairly dark waters. So when taking a trip to the Lapland, North-Sweden, or on the other-hand somewhere south from Finland....
Quick re-cap from my summer

Quick re-cap from my summer

This year has been special. Both work-vice and fishing-vice. Work-vice since I’m a new start up entrepreneur. And it has been for sure my dream for quite long time. Time will show where it will take me. But on a shorter perspective there has been some awesome results...
Travel story from Iceland

Travel story from Iceland

My article from a trip to Iceland was published this month on a Finnish  Metsästys&Kalastus magazine.   Thanks for for this awesome trip! Iceland is a strange country. It is amazing landscapes. It is the atmospheric streets of...

I’m in a planning-mode today

Suddenly summer is here. Few early-season fishing trips are done, but suddenly it is full-on summer in Finland! I have had some plans to do few fishing trips a bit further and do some travelling during the season. But no plans set to stone yet. Today, how ever,...