You know how sometimes when you try something new for the first time. It’s tough, nothing works, you get frustrated… the way life sometimes works?

Well, this is not one of those stories. This is my first date with a bonefish.


For my first ever salt water flyfishing I went to Grand Bahama, and had the guys from H2Obonefishing to introduce me to the art.

As a first timer I was quite sure in the beginning that I will make a mess of the line, break something, get burned in the sun, get the hook into the guides ear, maybe sink the boat or at least spook all the fish away.

A bit of casting practice and introduction to the bonefishing by the pool.

However, Greg was kind enough to give me a good introductory course to bonefish flyfishing. And helped me with my casting by the pool.  And once Jason took me out to the waters, it was just pure magic.

I don’t know how the guys organized it all out, but it turned into a perfect first date.

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Pink Hassle was the fly of the day

Green, blue, turquoise. The omg-colors of Bahamas.

I definitely got bitten by the bonefish-bug, if there is such. Thanks for the for getting me salt-water infected for life.

Wrapping up on the last night..

Wrapping up on the last night..


At the Bones Bar


Catching a bonefish was my longterm fly fishing dream!

What’s yours?

Comment below 🙂