

First things first. What’s so special about fly fishing?

Let me share few reasons with you on this video.

If you are a serious fly-angler. If you have devoted your life to forever perfect yourself in the art of fly-fishing. A word of warning. You probably don’t agree with me here. But I’ll go ahead and say it anyway.

I’ve been thinking for some time, that in many ways flyfishing is so serious. I’ve been often almost ashamed for my approach. Let’s call it the HULAHULA-flyfishing. It means a simple “just-dive-in” way of looking at flyfishing. It’s not too serious which means not too competent either.

One might think that there is a big inconsistency considering the fact that a year ago I decided to go full-time with my flyfishing life and started this journey of flyfishing-blogger, flyfishing-author and flyfishing-entrepreneur. For those reasons, it does feel like my approach is too childish, or too amateurish.

Or maybe, just maybe, it’s actually too girlish? I’m not to say that all ladies are like me, but I do see this more in female anglers than males. That you don’t care too much about the techniques, the facts, the features and technicalities, you don’t care too much of the correct way of doing things. It’s more of how it feels, what’s fun and does it make a nice picture. (don’t mean to sound too shallow here, but that’s kinda how it is).

Now, I always feel a bit bad at this point of the thought process. And feel like I should mention how much I respect the pros and experts. And their dedication. And their knowledge and devotion to the art. So yes, let’s get that out of the way. I really admire anyone who devotes their time to learn and perfect a skill.

But it’s like there couldn’t be any middle ground? Like that’s the only way? If someone is totally devoted to tennis, and spends years and years training to be the best. Does it mean that someone who just wants to go play a bit on Sundays should feel ashamed?

Part of this equation is probably the male competitive mindset. Who’s the toughest player? Who’s the alpha male?

What’s my approach then?

I love flyfishing, especially in the wilderness, with no schedules, no electronic devices, no time restrains and no rules. My favorite type of flyfishing is somewhere in the north where there is no roads. So you get to walk and carry all your stuff to the wilderness. It just purely puts things into perspective when you see the river 10 kilometers ahead. And it will take you the exact time that your own feet will take to carry you there. And the calm thoughts that your mind is sending to you when you just walk and walk. 

Besides distance, time as well works differently than it does in the city. You wake up. You might do a bit of fishing. You might lie on the ground and look at the clouds and listen to the sound of the river. Or you might sleep in. Maybe it’s raining, you hear the sound of the rain drops. And you hear the wind, and for once you can actually sleep. What a luxury. And you can really breathe.

…This post is getting more and more romantic, but that’s essential part of my dream flyfishing settings. So where were we? If these are the settings of my dream fly-fishing trip. What am I complaining here for?

The seriousness. And the apologetic tone of the Sunday-fisher, like it’s a rule that everyone needs to be embarrassed that they are not better yet, and devote as much effort as possible to get better.

I feel that this view is missing the point.

The point being calm, fun, relaxed, nature, fresh, enjoy, outdoors, breath, listen, cast, maybe catch and just live.

Of course I want to be better at what I do. And of course I want to improve. But I feel that I have such a strong urge to say: That the skill, and the knowledge, they are not the main thing.

Living is. And fishing is.


I would love to hear your thoughts! Comment below.