Ide fishing trip on a nice river. And you see flying fish when ide jumps from my hands.


Unicorn of the River

On this video you’ll see:
– How to ide fish in river
– Flying fish
– Finnish name for Ide is säyne part of särkikalat
– Smoked ide ie. savustettu säyne for dinner
– Fly fishing trip to Konapinkoski River in Kuhmo Finland


Flying fish Säyne is my Unicorn of the River


This is a river fishing trip to trout river but it turns out that ide fish is the name of the game.

Fly fishing for ide is fun and you see flying fish when I try to handle the very jumpy ide fish.



Usually ide is not eaten, but many times in Kuhmo I’ve heard people mention how delicious ide is when smoked. So we decided to take one for dinner. And it was really nice as smoked fish.


ide fishing


The only problem is that ide has a lot of bones. And in a very irregular order… at least compared for salmonoids.

But interesting and delicious test none the less.



The 10k Fly Fishing Experiment continues


This video is part of my 10k Fly Fishing Experiment. I share my outdoor and flyfishing adventures with you, and hope to inspire you to get out to the nature.

Episode 035 of 10K Fly Fishing Experiment. Hours 331 to 336 out of 10000. Fly-fishing in Konapinkoski River in Kuhmo / Kainuu. Fishing in Finland.




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