Salmon fly fishing
If you are dreaming of catching an Atlantic salmon I’ve put together few posts and videos here that should be interesting.
Fly fishing for salmon is fairly new for me. I have been twice in Iceland and few more times in Norway for salmon fly fishing. But on those trips I didn’t catch one myself.
My first encounter was a crazy 10 kg salmon with a spinning rod when I was not prepared for that. And I do pride myself with catching fish by an accident quite often. But that was the accident of a life time.
So after those introductions to salmon fishing, I was hooked on actually hooking one on a fly.
If you’re eager for salmon fly fishing, I hope you find some inspiration here. And an encouraging note, that even the most unprepared and unorganized fly angler like me can catch one.

Atlantic Salmon Fly
Hi again from Norway. On this Atlantic salmon fly trip I’m focusing on dry fly fishing for salmon. I’ve never caught a salmon with dry-fly before, so therefore I tested mainly a fly called Puputupuna as my first pick for Atlantic salmon fly. To watch on Youtube click...
Testing Hardy Wraith fly rod
What is my number one favorite thing about the Hardy Wraith? You'll find out on this episode... After fishing the previous summer with a lighter 9’ #5 Demon Smuggler I finally got to fish a “bigger river” in August. So this is me taking the Hardy Wraith 9’ #7 for a...
The madness of salmon fishing
Here’s little written summary of today’s episode for you: Life in the tent camp continues. More wind. Plenty of wind actually, and little rain as well. But no biggie. I test my skills as an animal trainer and try to teach the trick of all tricks to our dog. To pose...
My Record Atlantic Salmon on a Fly
Fly fishing, getting a new fishing license and stocking the candy supply. As well as having some trouble with hooks. It's good to have a sharp hook on your fly when fly fishing for salmon. Or any fish. The fishing trip in Norway continues. New day is always a new...
Ice Hockey World Champion learns to be better fly fisherman with mental training
Interview of Janne Pesonen by Anni Yli-Lonttinen On my very first fly fishing trip a trout jumped high in the air to catch my fly before it even landed the water. Amazed, I thought to myself, that can it really be like this? Besides the books, advice and...
Salmon madness
After the last eight years heading always to the fishing groungs in the North Sweden. This year we headed to North Norway. This was quite nostalgic trip for me, since last time I was here 17 years ago. I caught a sea run arctic char on that trip. This time, how...
Quick re-cap from my summer
This year has been special. Both work-vice and fishing-vice. Work-vice since I’m a new start up entrepreneur. And it has been for sure my dream for quite long time. Time will show where it will take me. But on a shorter perspective there has been some awesome results...
Travel story from Iceland
My article from a trip to Iceland was published this month on a Finnish Metsästys&Kalastus magazine. Thanks for for this awesome trip! Iceland is a strange country. It is amazing landscapes. It is the atmospheric streets of...